New Dad & Baby Daughter

As you can see I’ve been busy photographing wonderful families and gorgeous women.   

Below is a triptych of a tiny newborn baby girl with her daddy.I love how beautifully this new dad communicated with his daughter. Her tears and yawns did not fluster him in the least.  Aren’t they wonderful!


Every little part of a baby is so precious. How quickly they grow.  How important to cherish these moments.  Here is mom softly holding little baby’s hand and a peek at some wiggly toes.image

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NYC Glamour Portrait Session

A woman’s beauty is measured not by the number or depth of her wrinkles, nor by the color of her hair.  Beauty is a reflection of how a one sees the world around them, what one does for others, and how one chooses to live.  Compassion, curiosity, joy, love, generosity; these qualities create eternal beauty.  I look into a person’s eyes. I watch their hands. I see some of their genuine self. And I see their beauty. image

It always strikes me how self critical women can be. By whose definition have you determined you are not beautiful any longer!  This woman, now retired, was highly accomplished in her past professional career and avocations. Envisioning of her youthful self she would speak of herself now as having lost her beauty. I kept telling her that not only did I think she was beautiful, but that she would believe me when she saw her Glamour Portraits and that she would have many images she would love to choose from for her Portfolio Box. 

Before her session I visited her home and we selected three outfits and accessories. The day of her session she had hair and makeup done. I helped her through posing and slowly she became more comfortable in front of the camera. Of course she was all dressed up and ready to do something special after her portrait session.

Women give so much of themselves.  YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.  Never doubt it. And never depend upon the mirror to define or validate it.




